Sunday, June 24, 2007

June 24, 2007

As we age our priorities change requiring us to realign our stratergies to accommodate the physical and emotional demands. The overvue offered at the following website is an interesting approach. I hope that you enjoy it.

1 comment:

Linda's Blog said...

I am enjoying your blog very much. I have read it everyday! As a baby boomer, health is very much in the forfront of my mind. Mike, Laura, and I just came back from running the New Charles River Road race this morning. Mike is an avid marathoner, completing his third marathon at Boston this year at age 52...he is in the best shape of his life, and Laura is an avid exerciser and runner, so I figured that I best join the family. So, it took me 52 minute and 22 seconds to do the 5K this morning but I finished. Thanks for the information and keep up the great work, I look forwrd to your blog everyday.