Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 5, 2007

Baby Boomers and a Cultural Revolution
Considering the rising demands for health care services, the shortage in health care providers, the Boomers desire not to exchange home living for nursing home accommodations, and transportation issues, a new frontier has arisen. This new incentive includes home care management via cyberspace. Click on the following link for an interesting article.


Eileen said...

Telehealth was just beginning when I did homecare-what a great way to use technology for those who have the most difficulty with transportation. Great article

Chris said...

Considering I am definetely not into "Bingo", it is nice to see there are other options out there. Thank you for sharing! This was a very informative article. It is nice to know someone is watching out for us Baby Boomers. You have a great blog going on here!

Linda's Blog said...

MaryLou you are turning into one great resource for all of us. Keep up the excellent work. I look forward to your daily entry. Great information.

Catherine said...

As I read down the list of "firsts" it was a memory jogger. It's hard to believe we have been the generation to herald in so much change. I do like that the article said we are bringing our same thinking into aging...